Matthew 2:1-6
Micah 5:2
Micah 5:4-5a (…he shall be their peace.)
Matthew 2:7-18
We all have been given an invitation to come experience Jesus.
It’s an invitation only YOU can respond to.
There is always a villain trying to take Jesus out of the picture.
How to Ruin Christmas: Make it about something other than Jesus.
It’s a Wonderful Life Clip
The Family Man Clip
A Christmas Carol Clip
Luke 2:8-20
Awake to New Hope – How awake are you?
Act One: The Announcement of John (Luke 1:5-25)
“How shall I know this?”
Act Two: The Announcement of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38)
“How will this be?”
Act Three: Mary and Elizabeth Meet (Luke 1:39-45)
“Blessed is she who believed… what was spoken to her from the Lord.”
Believe… no matter what.
Follow your heart, not your head.
Always trust in God.
Stay true in hard times.
Portico Church in Oshkosh, WI