Big Time Action


Matthew 12:9-14


God dreams of a church that:

________________         ________________         ________________


The areas that you ____________________________ are the key to your spiritual growth because they __________________________________.


__________________________________________ to see God’s dream

realized _________________________________________________.

Reflection Moment

________________________ (experiencing belonging + expressing  commitment

Worship: I made it a priority to gather for worship.

Connection: I participated in a connection group or bible study.

Serving: I gave of my time, talents and gifts in a significant way.

Generosity: I gave generously of my finances toward the mission of Jesus.

Conversation: I engaged in a spiritual conversation with someone who is not yet a follower of Jesus.

Invitation: I invited someone join me for our worship gathering or community-building event.


As a group, try to think of some activities (like a Rubik’s cube) that seem like they should be simple but are actually very challenging?  What is it that makes them so challenging?


Read Matthew 12:1-14.  Why do you think the religious leaders were so furious over Jesus healing this man?  Did they have any real reason to be?  Why or why not?

Last week we talked discussed why each of the 6 areas (from Acts 2:42-27) was  important to a healthy church.   This week discuss what you think makes each one challenging or difficult for people to participate in.


What were the tiles (areas) that you held back from putting on the mosaic this week?  Why did you choose to do that?

Do you plan to take greater action in any of those areas this week?  How so?

Community Building Event

Are you planning to go bowling next Sunday?  Who are you are inviting to come?  Who is your ‘backup plan’ if they can’t go?  (Please try to ask as early in the week as possible!)

Pray for the people you are inviting.


Big Time Faith


Acts 2:42-47

We are called to be a church that GATHERS.

We ______________________________________.  John 4:23

We ______________________________________.  Acts 2:46

We are called to be a church that GIVES.

We ______________________________________.  1 Corinthians 12:4-27

We ______________________________________.  2 Corinthians 8:7-8

We are called to be a church that GROWS.

Acts 2:47       Acts 5:14        Acts 6:7        Acts 9:31

We ______________________________________.

We ______________________________________.

2 Corinthians 5:11, 20

Big Time Dreams require _____________________________________.

The areas that you ___________________________ are the key to your spiritual growth because they _________________________________________.



What is the biggest risk you have taken in life?  Why did you do it?

Very briefly describe the time you first put your faith in trust in Jesus.

“Big Time Dreams Require Big Time Faith”  Do you agree or disagree with that statement?  Why?  Besides becoming a follower of Jesus, what is the greatest faith-related risk you’ve taken?


Read Acts 2:42-47.  In the message we heard about 6 specific areas that are important to being the kind of church God dreams for us to be.  Can you recall what they are?

How do you see each of them portrayed in this scripture passage?

Look at each of the 6 areas individually.  As a group, discuss why you think each one is    important to the health of our church?


The areas we struggle with require the most faith…and the greatest dependence on God.  Can you name the two areas that are your greatest challenge?

Take time as a group to pray for each person for the courage and strength to take steps of faith and trust in that area.


Big Time Dreams


The dream I want to see become reality is…

Some dreams are good, but ______________________________________.

Matthew 16:16-18

Acts 1:8-9

Acts 2:22-24, 36-41

Acts 2:42-47

God dreams of a church that:

________________         ________________         ________________

If we want to realize God’s dream for us, it’s going to take _______________________________  giving __________________________________.

Isaiah 40:29      “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.”

2 Corinthians 12:9     “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Philippians 4:13     “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Are you willing to ________________________________________for us?



What dreams did you have as a kid?

How would you complete this statement today: the dream I want to see become reality is…


Read Acts 2:42-47.  In the message we heard about three things (starting with the letter “g”) that God dreamed his church would be:  Can you recall what they are?

How do you see each of them portrayed in this scripture passage?

We’ll be unpacking those three things more fully next week, but for now…. which one do you think will be easiest for you?  Which of them do you think you will find hardest to do?  Why?


From the message: “If we’re going to realize God’s dream for our church, it’s going to take every one of us giving everything we’ve got.”  What does that statement stir up in you?

When it comes to the dream God has for His church and the part you play in it, what are the things that hold you back most?

Look up these verses from the message:  Isaiah 40:29    2 Corinthians 12:9    Philippians 4:13

How do they encourage you to embrace God’s dream for His church (and for you personally)?