Identity: Partner in the Gospel

Philippians 1:1-7

If I have put my faith and trust in Christ, then my TRUE IDENTITY is this:

I am a _______________________________________.

Philippians 4:10-20.

Romans 15:24-27

If I have________________________________________________,  I ought to _______________________________________________.

1 Corinthians 16:1-3

God wants me to___________________________________________.  He wants me to____________________________________________.

1 Corinthians 8:1-7, 8

God wants me to___________________________________________.

1 Corinthians 8:8

________________________________is proof my love for God and others.


I am called to ___________________________________________ toward the cause of Christ. 


Practically Speaking…

If everyone in this church __________ like me, Portico would be____________.

Matthew 6:20-21

If God doesn’t have my _____________ He really doesn’t have my _________.


Prayerfully consider: what does God want from me in this area of my life? 


Identity: More than a Conqueror

Romans 8: 18, 28, 31, 35-36, 37-39


Romans 8:34

If I have put my faith and trust in Christ, then my true identity is this:

I am _______________________________________ through Christ.


refers to someone who _____________________________________       with  _________________________________________________.

In difficult times you need something to CLING TO.

Cling to ____________________________________ in Christ.

In difficult times you need something to SUSTAIN YOU.

Be sustained by _____________________________________.

Psalm 136

In difficult times you need something to LOOK FORWARD TO.

Focus on __________________________________________.

Romans 8:16

“Even if life is 100 years of AWFUL, what is that compared to an eternity of AWESOME?!” ~Eric Leverance


Identity: Living Stones


1 Peter 2:4-10

If we have put our faith and trust in Jesus, then our true IDENTITY is this:

We are  ______________________ where God _____________



As living stones…

We are ________________________________

We are ________________________________

We are ________________________________

We are ________________________________

We are ________________________________


As a spiritual house…

We are called to  ____________________________________.

God wants us to be a church that ___________________.

We are called to  ____________________________________.

God wants us to be a church that ___________________

We are called to  ____________________________________.

God wants us to be a church that ___________________.