Genuine Faith Obeys the Word

Genuine Faith Obeys the Word

James 1:19-25

The ______________is our __________________________________. 

Things that need to move out:

________________, which refers to our sinful ____________________.

________________, which refers to our sinful ____________________.

Something that needs to move in: _______________________________. 

Questions: Is the word of God being “implanted” in you?  Would you consider your heart “fertile soil” for the word of God?  Is it taking root, growing and developing within you?

Five things we should do with the Word of God:






Three results of pursuing God’s word in our lives:


____________________________   John 8:31-32


Connection Group Questions


Read James 1:19-25

Verse 21

With what attitude are we supposed to receive the Word of God?

Why do you think this attitude important?

Verses 22-25

In what way does James warn us not to be deceived?

How do you see Scripture as being like a mirror?  What does it show us about ourselves?

What have been your impressions of people who claim to know Jesus yet do not live according to His word?  How do you think others view us when we do that?

Verse 25

Many people view God’s word as something that takes away our freedom.  James says it is the perfect law that GIVES freedom.  How do you tend to see it?  In what ways have you experienced ‘freedom’ as a result of obeying God’s word?

Read Psalm 19:7-11 and note list each of the ways the law sets us free.

Verse 25

How does it make logical sense that the one who hears and does will be blessed in what he does?

Share a time when you experienced God’s blessings as a result of obeying His word?

Look up the following verses and note how they reinforce what James says about God’s law:

Psalm 1:1-2

Luke 11:27-28

What aspect of God’s character has this week’s passage of James shown you more clearly?    

What one step can you take this week to better live in light of this truth?



Genuine Faith Resists Temptation

Genuine Faith Resists Temptation

James 1:13-18 

Understanding God (James 1:13, 16-18)

God is not _________________________________________________.

God does not _______________________________________________.

God is the _________________________________________________.

Key Idea: God is not ___________________________________________.

Understanding Temptation (James 1:14-15)

We all have different ___________________________________________ because we all have different _____________________________________.


Sin =

Resisting Temptation requires us to:

____________________ our DESIRES.

____________________ our OPPORTUNITIES.

____________________ taking ACTION.

1 Corinthians 10:13  “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.  God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptations he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

When it comes to temptation, there is always more at stake than we think.” ~Andy Stanley

Death =

When we have sinned we must  ____________________________________.


Connection Group Questions/ For Further Study

Read James 1:12-18

Verses 12-13

The Greek word peirázō can refer to either trial/testing or temptation.  The context of the word determines its intended meaning.  What do you think is the key difference between trials (v 2, 12) and temptations (v 13)?

Think of a temptation you have faced unsuccessfully. What was the outcome? In hindsight, how would you handle the temptation differently?      

Verse 13 What do we learn about the character of God?

Verse 14 What is the actual source of temptation?

Verse 15 What is the certain result of giving into temptation?

Read these passages individually and answer the following questions for each passage:   What instructions does this passage give us about dealing with temptation and sin?  What are some examples of ways we can do what this passage says?

Mark 8:34

Romans 8:12-14

Galatians 5:24-25

Colossians 3:1-5

Verse 16

Why do you think it was important to James (and to God) for us to know that God is NOT the one who tempts us to sin or do evil things?

Verses 17-18

God is never the source of our temptation, but according to James, what things is the source of?  (See also verse 5)

How could each of these characteristics of God help us deal with temptation in our lives?

Take some time to share the areas of your life you have been struggling in.  As a group, take time to pray for each person that they might find victory/freedom in their areas of struggle.

What one step can you take this week to better live in light of this truth?


Genuine Faith Perseveres in Trials

Genuine Faith Perseveres in Trials.

James 1:2-12

Some things we call trials are _____________________________________.

Some things we call trials are _____________________________________.

Some things we call trials are _____________________________________.

Some things we call trials are _____________________________________.

When James writes about trials, he may be thinking of hardships that are unrelated to our faith.  He does mention that there are trials of ‘various kinds.’ But what he mostly has in mind are the trials and persecution that result from living out our faith in Jesus Christ.

How is it possible to persevere in trials, and even consider them a cause or occasion for joy?

Six perspective about the trials that we face:

James 1:2        Trials ________________________________________.

James 1:3-4     Trials ________________________________________.

  1. They produce _______________________________.
  2. They produce _______________________________.

James 1: 5-8    Trials ________________________________________.

James 1:9-11   Trials ________________________________________.

James 1:12      Trials  ________________________________________.

James 1:12      Trials ________________________________________.

Other Passages to consider: 1 Peter 1:3-9,  Romans 5:3-4 and Hebrews 10:36

 Connection Group Questions/For Further Study

Read James 1:1-12 

Verse 2

What do you think James means when he says to “count it all joy” when we meet trials? What things make it hard for us to find joy in the midst of difficulty in life?

Verse 3

What are the ways your faith has been ‘tested’?  What has that testing proven in you?  According to these verses, what are some of the purpose of our trials?  What do you think it means to be “steadfast”?

Verse 4

What does it mean to be made perfect and complete?  How do you think that is accomplished specifically through trials in our life?  How would developing steadfastness and perseverance change the way you live your life? How would it affect your relationships with those around you?

Verse 5

When you are in a time of trial, is wisdom the first thing you ask for? Why or why not?  What other requests do you tend to make first?

Verses 6-8

Read Proverbs 3:5-6. How do its words offer a wise way to avoid double-mindedness?  Is there an area of your life in which you are double-minded, wavering between your own agenda and God’s agenda? How can you apply Prov. 3:5-6 to that?

Verses 9-11 How does knowing that trials are temporary help you deal with them?

Verse 12  In 1:12, how does James describe the one enduring trials?  For the believer who is steadfast, the crown of life awaits. What “lesser crowns” do we seek to wear now, rather than waiting for the better crown to come? How is crown-chasing out of place in the life of the believer?

Look up the other verses listed in the message: Other Passages to consider: 1 Peter 1:3-9,  Romans 5:3-4 and Hebrews 10:36.  How do these reinforce what James writes about here?

What aspect of God’s character has this week’s passage of James shown you more clearly? 

What one step can you take this week to better live in light of this truth?