Mark 10:17-22
He kept the commands about loving others, but failed to actually love others.
1 John 3:17
James 2:16
In failing to love others, he actually failed to love God, too.
1 Peter 1:5-9
When Jesus hits the bullseye of your heart, there’s no negotiating.
What’s the bullseye for you?
Will you give up what matters much in order to gain what matters most?
Monthly Archives: March 2019
The Greatest Show: Never Enough
John 4:1-26
The woman went to draw water; Jesus went to draw near.
You can’t find satisfaction chasing the wrong things or looking in the wrong places.
The Greatest Show: Come Alive
Matthew 4:18-22
Matthew 9:9-13
Matthew 10:2-4
Jesus saw something in them that they didn’t see in themselves.
He wanted to change their lives.
He wanted to change the world.
Matthew 9:35-38
Matthew 10:5-8
He wanted to change all eternity.
Matthew 28:29-20 (text)
Jesus can change our life, change the world, and change all eternity.
Once More With Feeling: Prayer
Luke 8:4-8
Our primary relationship to God is as His child.
As His child, God wants us to come to Him.
2 Corinthians 6:16,18
Prayer is not about a formula; it’s about a relationship.
Matthew 6:7-13