We recover awe when we acknowledge the greatness of Jesus’ sacrifice, the depth of our sin, and the height of his love — all in the person of Christ. ~ Jonathan K Dodson
We acknowledge the depth of our sin. Romans 3: 10-18 Luke 5:27-32 We acknowledge the greatness of Jesus’ sacrifice. Hebrews 9:11-28 We acknowledge the height of his love. Romans 5:6-11 Ephesians 3:14, 17-19
People are terrible, and God’s people (sometimes) are the worst!
We’re not that different from the people in Nehemiah’s day
“Man is of his own nature, fleshly and carnal, corrupt, sinful and disobedient to God without any spark of goodness in him, without any virtuous or Godly motion; only given to evil thoughts and deeds.” ~ Scott Baker
Many years have gone by since man failed to obey. Unable to help ourselves, though we try, for by one man, all have gone astray; The goodness of man? Still a lie. Depravity then; corruption today.
This world lies in darkness with no lasting satisfaction. Chasing after the wind and every form of vile distraction; never considering the end of the chase. ~DW