Category Archives: Life Changing Conversations

Life-Changing Conversations: Overcoming (part two)



How do I prevent people from feeling like a project?

2 Kings 5:1-15   Naaman and Elisha

  1. Do what’s ________________________________________, not what’s  ___________________________________.
  2. ______________________ as you would like to be treated.
  3. ________________________________________________.

What if they have questions I can’t answer?

  1. Tell them ________________________________________.
  2. Try to _______________________________________________ for them.
  3. Keep __________________________________________________________.

How do I deal with being rejected by someone I see often?

Dealing with the fear of rejection:

1 John 4:18a 

___________________ conquers the _________________________________.

Dealing with actual rejection:



3 .



Life-Changing Conversations: Overcoming (part one)

Acts 8:26-38

What if I have an introverted personality?

Strengths:  You tend to be sensitive, thoughtful, patient, a good listener, more dependent on God.

Unique challenges for introverts:





When it comes to sharing the gospel:  Give introverted people a chance to _____________________ things through.

What if I have an extroverted personality?

Strengths:  You tend to be a risk taker, more at ease in conversation, good in groups, and adaptable in social settings.

Unique challenges for extroverts:





When it comes to sharing the gospel: give extroverted people a chance to _____________________ things through.


2 Corinthians 12:7-10. 


Key Idea:  Use __________________ to your _______________________, and _________________________ in your ____________________________.

Life-Changing Conversations: Sharing

1 Peter 3:15

Be prepared to share _____________________________________.

Sharing your B.E.S.T. story:

_____________________________________ Jesus

_____________________________________ Jesus

_____________________________________ Jesus

_____________________________________ Jesus

Be prepared to share _____________________________________.

John 3:16-18

A good explanation of the gospel should convey:

Be prepared to share _____________________________________.

What do I need to do to become a follower of Jesus?




* Invite them to take that step of faith at this time.

Be prepared to share _____________________________________.



Additional Materials:

There is only one Gospel but there are many ways to share itHere are a few suggestions.  It would be helpful to know a few ways to present the gospel to people.  But be sure you can share it well in at least one way!

Romans Road

Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9-10, 13

4 spiritual laws

God loves you and has a plan for you.

Sin has separated you from a perfect, holy God.

Jesus is God’s provision/answer for sin.

Faith in Jesus brings forgiveness and eternal life.


God created us to be with Him.

Our sins separate us from God.

Sins can’t be removed by good deeds.

Paying the price for sin, Jesus died on the cross.

Everyone who trusts in him alone has eternal life.

Life that’s eternal means we’ll be with Jesus forever.


The Bridge Diagram We are separated from God by sin. We could never reach him on our own.  But Jesus’ death on the cross bridges the gap for us.  We can be with God forever by trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Life-Changing Conversations: Loving

Vital Behavior: To pray regularly that God would open the door for at least one spiritual conversation each week. 

God’s love _______________________________________________.

Ephesians 3

God’s love _______________________________________________.

John 13:34-35

God’s love _______________________________________________.

2 Corinthians 5:11, 14-15


1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Regardless of what I have or do, if I lack love for others: 

I ________________ nothing, I ______________________ nothing, and I _____________________________________________ nothing.


Giveaway:  Who will you show love to this week?


Life-Changing Conversations: Asking & Listening

Vital Behavior: To pray regularly that God would open the door for at least one spiritual conversation each week. 


Luke 2:49                    Matthew 3:13-15                    John 1:38-39

Asking questions is a powerful way to _______________________________.

“I couldn’t help but notice…”

“It made me wonder…”

Asking questions is a good way to _____________________________________.

With people we’ve known for a while:

“Something I’ve wanted to know about you is…”


James 1:19-20

Use _____________________________________________________.

“What I hear you saying is….”

Ask _____________________________________________________.

Life-Changing Conversations: Praying

Message Notes:

Prayer is ______________________________. 

Gen 4:26b

1 Timothy 2:1–4





We’re supposed to pray ______________________________________________.

Vital Behavior: To regularly pray for an opportunity to engage in one spiritual conversation each week. 

Pray ______________________  the moment.

Pray _______________________ the moment: 

That you would _______________________________ it.

That you would _______________________________ it.

Pray _______________________ the moment.

Offer a _________________________________________________.

Pray _______________________ the moment

Pray for _____________________________________________________________. 

Pray for _____________________________________________________________. 


Life-Changing Conversations: Noticing


Message Notes:

Mark 12:41-44         Jesus and the Widow’s Offering

Luke 7:11-15            Jesus and the Grieving Woman

Luke 19:1-10            Jesus and Zacchaeus

Jesus’ mission was to ____________________________________________________________.

We are called to ____________________________________________________________.

 “Perhaps the most obvious observation is that most  unchurched people are not being pursued by anyone.”   ~George Barna

Look for ________________________________________.

Look for ________________________________________.

Look for ________________________________________.