1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
mallon (mal’-lon): more, rather.
Question: How big of a priority is it for you to become more and more like Jesus?
“Paul wants them to put their best face forward, so that when they’re refusing to join in on the idol-worshipping festivities, people won’t think they’re godless misanthropes (people who dislike mankind and avoid society).”
A life that pleases God can only be accomplished when we live by faith.
Hebrews 11:6
God has called us to sexual purity, where you are honoring God’s design and plan for sex in your life. In your sex life, are you living by faith?
Jesus call us to love one other as He loved us, and scripture says to think of others more than ourselves. In your church life, are you living by faith?
We are also called to live a quiet life, mind our own affairs and “work with our hands”. We should be respectful, humble, sincere, and non-combative. That includes not being contentious or picking fights with those who don’t share your same beliefs and values. In your work life, are you living by faith?
In each of these areas, what are you are NOT living by faith where you need to get things set right?