Nehemiah (9): Is This What Revival Looks Like?

Revival (defn) 1) an improvement in the condition or strength of something. 2) an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again.

“Revival is the awakening or quickening of God’s people to their true nature and purpose.” Robert Coleman

Nehemiah 9:1-3
They hear God’s word.
They ask God’s forgiveness.
They cry out in worship.

Nehemiah 9:4-25
Acknowledging God’s goodness.
Nehemiah 9:26-30
Acknowledging God’s discipline.
Nehemiah 9:31
Acknowledging God’s mercy.
Nehemiah 9:32-35
Acknowledging God’s righteousness/faithfulness.
Nehemiah 9:36-37
Acknowledging their need for the Lord.

They hear God’s word, they ask God’s forgiveness, and they worship Him. They start to acknowledge him for who he truly is.