Ephesians 5:15-17
Psalm 139:16
Ephesians 2:8-10
Titus 3:8
John 9:4
The God who saved you and gave you eternal life is asking you to give Him your time. Are you giving it to Him?
Romans 12:6-8
1 Peter 4:10-11
The God who saved you and gave you eternal life is asking you for your gifts and talents. Are you giving it to Him?
Matthew 25:14-30
Mark 12:41-46
The God who saved you and gave you eternal life is asking you for your treasures (resources). Are you giving it to Him?
James 1:16-18
Are you being a contributor or a consumer in the kingdom?
I am going all-in for the glory of God and the sake of His kingdom.
Follow Up Questions to Week 8 Message
The God who saved you and gave you eternal life is asking for your time, your talents (gifts), and your treasure (resources).
Which one is easiest for you to give him, and why? Which ones do you struggle with the most, and why do you think that is?
One of the questions asked in the message was this:
Are you a being contributor or consumer in the kingdom?
Who would you answer that question, and why do you feel that way?
I am giving going all in, giving God my time, my talent (gifts) and my treasure (resources) in order to help build His kingdom.
In what ways is this statement true in your life? What adjustments can you make to move toward being a greater contributor (and less of a consumer) when it comes to God’s kingdom work?
(continued on the back side)
Each week we’ll continue to challenge ourselves with making greater effort to share the gospel with people around us who don’t know Jesus. There are five “steps” we can take to be sure we are doing this consistently:
PRAY for those who don’t believe.
CONNECT with those who don’t know Jesus.
ENGAGE in spiritual conversations.
SHARE the gospel message.
INVITE others to discover and follow Jesus.
Last week was to PRAY, so please continue to pray regularly for the 3-5 or more people that God put on your heart.
This week is CONNECT. It often takes effort on our part to connect with people who don’t know Jesus. So…
Who on your “list” will you make an effort to connect with this week?
Specifically, how and when will you do it?