1 Samuel 14 Saul’s Downward Spiral Continues

1 Samuel 14: 1-10

If I’da listened to the odds, woulda never made it through. Every time they told me stop it was the last thing I would do. Instead I left it up to God, and I watched the mountain move. If I’da listened to the odds, woulda never met you. ~Mat Kearney, Odds

The odds don’t matter at all when God matters most.

1 Samuel 114:11-13
Video Clip: Come Up Here
1 Samuel 14:13-30
MAP: Aijalon
1 Samuel 14:31-52

Saul was operating in fear and walking in the ways of the world. Jonathan was operating by faith and walking in the way of the Lord.

Where in life are you operating in few like Saul instead of faith like Jonathan?