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Family Unplugged: Taking a Break from the Chaos of Life

Matthew 7:21-23

John 15:1-5

Godly Ideal: ________________________________________________.

Unplugged: music performed with acoustic (rather than electrically amplified) instruments.”


1 Kings 19:9-13

It will help us _______________________________________________.


Unplugged: to relax by disengaging from normal activities.


Exodus 20:8-11

It will help us _______________________________________________.

Luke 5:15-16 


Unplugged: to remove an obstacle or blockage to make a clear path.   


Luke 9:62

It will help us _______________________________________________.


This week’s Family Challenge

Families: Set aside 90 minutes this week to spend time engaged in an “unplugged” activity together.  Do something that does not involve TV or electronics. Afterwards, discuss the questions below.

Individuals/Singles Please do the same thing, but ask friend or relative to participate with you.


  1. What did it feel like to unplug for a while?
  2. What was the best thing about spending some unplugged time together?
  3. How do you think it would help you as a family to do this regularly?
  4. Make a list of other unplugged activities you would be interested in doing together.


Family Battles: Godly Ideals we Should Work and Fight For

Nehemiah 4

Two Godly ideals.  One we work for and one we  fight for.

We are called to ______________________________….

Joshua 24:15

by ___________________________________…

Mark 9:35

in  _________________________________.

Colossians 3:17


Psalm 133:1

Philippians 2:2

Romans 15:5-6

_____________ in our family brings ______________________________.


Nehemiah 4:14      When we are discouraged:

_______________________ and _____________________________!

This Week’s Family Challenge

Families: Set aside 20 minutes to discuss the following questions:

  1. Why do you think it’s important to serve others on behalf of Jesus? How has your      family served others in the past?  In what ways has it pointed people toward Jesus?
  2. Why do you think it’s important to be fight for unity—that together as a family you seek to bring glory to God? How has your family displayed unity that in the past?  How could your family work together to do a better job of bringing glory to God?

After you have worked through the questions, come up with one thing you can commit to doing in the next month that serves others in the name of Jesus.  It should be something that involves at least an hour or more of your time.  It should also be something you can do together.

Individuals/Singles: Consider these questions, then then try to think of a way to serve  others.  Consider inviting your friends or relatives to participate with you.

Note: If you are falling behind’ in these family challenges, that’s okay.  Just take them one step at a time.  But please be deliberate to work through at each one!


Faamily Feud: Conflict and Forgiveness

James 4:1-3 NIV

What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you [do] ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

The source of conflict is this:


Two things we must acknowledge:

  1. I am ________________________________________________.
  2. What ______________may not be what ______________________.

Things we must learn to say:

*Note: some materials  taken from Andy Stanley’s Future Family series.

This Week’s Family Challenge

Families: Set aside about 20 minutes to go over this week’s challenge,  Make sure that everyone in the family understands the objectives clearly.

Individuals: Take this challenge to your family of origin or with people at work.  It really could apply just about anywhere!

The goal is to pause before conflict/confrontation to consider the key ideas presented this week.  Ask yourself:

  1. What do I need to acknowledge is ‘my part’ in the conflict?
  2. What does God want in this situation?

Also, actively seek opportunities to use the four ‘things we must learn to say’ with each other. It may be helpful to post these phrases in places around the house to remind people of what they are.

Note: If you are ‘alling behind’in these family challenges, that’s okay.  Just take them one step at a time.  But please be deliberate to working hard at each one!


Family Pictures: Many Different Personalities, One Big Challenge

Ephesians 5:22-6:4   

Four basic instructions from this text:

Husbands: love your wife.

Wives: respect your husband.

Kids: obey your parents.

Parents: don’t exasperate your kids.

Three key ideals:

_________________      _________________       _________________

Ephesians 5:21

Godly Ideal: ______________________________________________.

Submission: the act of yielding to the will or authority of another.

Mutual: something held in common

Practical Question: _____________________________________________________

This question forces us to _______________ instead of __________________.

Philippians 2:3-4

Our biggest barrier is _________________________________.

If you are a _________________ you don’t really have a ________________!

Mark 10:45

When you want to ask it __________, that is when you need to ask it ___________.

*some material taken from Any Stanley’s Future Family series.

This Week’s Family Challenge
Families: Set aside about 15 minutes to go over this week’s challenge, Make sure that everyone in the family understands the key question, and how to use it.

Individuals: Take this challenge to your family of origin or with people at work. It really could apply just about anywhere!

This week’s family challenge is a big one. The goal is for EVERYONE in the family to start putting other people’s needs ahead of their own by asking one simple question. That question is:

What can I do to help?

Each day this week ask this question to someone else in your family. Be prepared to follow through in love, no matter the cost. Since every family varies in size, work your way through the each of the family members, then start over once you’ve done this for everyone.

At the end of the week, have a short conversation around these questions:
1  What were some of the ways that other people helped you out?
2  How did it make you feels to help the others in your family?
3  What was the worst request someone gave you? What was the best?
4  Is this something you would like to continue from here on out?

Family Matters: Real vs Ideal


God _______________________________ for our families.
Genesis 1:27-28

From Ephesians 5/6

Three key ideals from Ephesians 5 and 6 here:
_________________ _________________ _________________

What it would look like if your family was deeply marked by these three ideals?

*Jesus pointed people __________________________________________.
Matthew 19:3-8
*Jesus refused to ____________________________________________.
John 8:3-11

Question we must answer:
Will we strive for God’s ideal in our family even though our reality doesn’t measure up?

*Some material taken from Andy Stanley’s “Future Family” series.

This Week’s Family Challenge

Families: Set aside an hour this week as a family (or an individual) to consider your reality. Those with young children may need to simplify the questions a bit.
Individuals: You may need to consider these questions with regard to your family of origin, or perhaps within your closest friendships/relationships right now.

What things are good about our family? How are you living out God’s ideals as a family? Make a list of AS MANY AS YOU CAN! THINK OF!
What would you say are your best 3 qualities? Why?
Talk about the 3 ideals taken from Ephesians 5 and 6. First ask: How well do you feel your family demonstrates each of these qualities? Then ask: Would it look in your family if each one of them things were more evident :

There are always ways we can grow to become more of what God intended for us, whether as individuals or as a family. What are 3 most important things you would change about your family if you could? In other words, what 3 areas would you like see improve?
Is there one of these areas that you could agree to work on as a family this week?  What steps could you take?

Pray for God’s help to grow in this area, and to become a better family in the weeks ahead during our FAMILY MATTERS series.


What am I Worth?

What Am I Worth?

How do I know that I am valuable?


Psalm 139:13-18


Peter 2:9-10            Ephesians 1:4-5                     1 Corinthians 1:26-30


The value of an item is determined by how much someone is ___________________  _________________________ for it”.

1 Corinthians 6:20         1 Timothy 2:5-6


Romans 8:16-17 1 Peter 1:3-4


John 3:16 Ephesians 1:18-19


Genuine Faith Endures through Prayer

Genuine Faith Endures through Prayer

James 5:7-20

Four Keys to Enduring Hardships:

___________________________ (James 5:7)

___________________________ (James 5:8)

___________________________  (James 5:11)

___________________________ (James 5:13-18)

James 5:16 “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

“Great power” refers to something that gives us _______________________________________ and enables us to _______________________________.

There’s a correlation between _________________________ and the _________________________________.

Is anyone suffering?  __________________________________________.

Is anyone sick?  _____________________________________________.

If anyone has sinned?  _________________________________________.


Connection Group Questions

Read James 5:7-20

What attitudes does James tell us underlie effective prayer? 

See James 1:6-8   James 4:3

Specifically, how did Elijah pray? (James 5:17) ________________________  

Look up the following verses and note how they support this approach in prayer:

Luke 18:1

Colossians 4:2

Romans 12:2

Acts 1:14

Why do you think God values persistent prayer?

James offers us Elijah as an example of someone whose prayers were powerful and effective.  But he also reminds us that “Elijah was a man (a person…just like us).”  In what ways is your prayer life strong, like Elijah’s?  In what ways is it not?

Group Prayer Time:

In our worship gathering this week, we prayed individually for a few specific areas  that are mentioned in James 5:13-16.  (forgiveness, healing and strength).  Have each person share about one area they need prayer for, and then take time for a few others pray for them in this area.

After praying for needs, take a few minutes as a group to offer prayers of praise, worship, adoration and thanks to the Lord. 




Genuine Faith Submits to God’s Will

Key Question:

James 4:4

James 4:7

Submit means to be ___________________________________________.

James 4:13-15

Our _____________ have to do with how we use our ________________. 

We need to take time to ________________  and ________________  the Lord.

Our ______________ have to do with how we spend our______________. 

2 Corinthians 8:7 (NIV)  “But since you excel in everything–in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you –see that you also excel in this grace of ______________.”   

________________  is not a ________________  issue; it’s a   ________________ issue.

Matthew 6:21

Practical Steps:

Start by __________________________________________________.

Commit to _________________________________________________.

Grow in __________________________________________________.


Connection Group Questions

Read James 4:1-5:6

James 4:4  What do you think it means to have “friendship with the world”?  Why do you think James uses the term “adulterous” to describe people who practice friendship toward the world?

What ideas come to mind when you think of the word ‘submit’?  How does that differ from the idea of being “under God’s arrangement” and having our life oriented around Him?

Plans/Time:  How difficult or easy is it for you to give time to God?

What are the greatest obstacles you have to spending time “seeking” Him?

What are the greatest obstacles you have to spending time “serving” Him?

What are some things you could do to create time to seek and serve Him in a greater capacity? Do you believe it’s something he is calling you to do?


Do you agree that giving is more of a heart issue than a money issue?  Why or why not?

2 Corinthians 8:7 says we should excel in the grace of giving.  How important is that to you personally?

Is it difficult or easy for you to give your money to God?  What are your greatest obstacles to giving with greater generosity?

In the message this week some practical steps were given in regards to becoming more generous.  Is there a step that you plan to commit to? Why (or why not)?

Read James 5:1-3.  What does James point out about the relationship between worldly wealth and the passage of time?

Look up Matthew 7:19-24.  What similarities do you find between the to the words of Jesus and the words of James?

Based on the words of James and Jesus, what is the right relationship to have with wealth and possessions?   Why?

What one step can you take this week to better live in light what we’ve discovered this week?


Genuine Faith Shows Godly Wisdom

Genuine Faith Shows Godly Wisdom

James 3:13-18
James 3:13
Proverbs 9:1 “Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn her seven pillars.”
Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”
The foundation on which wisdom stands is a _______________________ .

7 Pillars of Wisdom from James 3:17
Godly Wisdom is _________________________.
Godly Wisdom is _________________________.
Godly Wisdom is _________________________.
Godly Wisdom is _________________________.
Godly Wisdom is _________________________.
Godly Wisdom is _________________________.
Godly Wisdom is _________________________.

James 3:14 -16
James 1:5-8

If we _____________ God’s wisdom, we will _______________________.
But He expects us to __________________________.

Matthew 7:24-27

Connection Group Questions

Read James 3:13-18
James:13. How do you think can we recognize wisdom and understanding in ourselves and in others?

Why do you think James says wisdom should be seen in our good conduct and shown in our works?

James 3:14 What can bitter jealousy and selfish ambition look like when it takes root within community of believers?

Much of the book of Proverbs is an appeal to pursue and seek wisdom. Look up the following verses. Note what each adds to your understanding about wisdom.
Proverbs 8:10-12
Proverbs 8:32-36
Proverbs 1:7
Proverbs 2:1-6
Proverbs 3:5-8

James 3:17 Why do you think the premiere pillar/quality of wisdom is that it is “pure”?

James 3:18 One of the pillars of wisdom is that it is ‘peaceable’ and James says a crop of righteousness is sown in peace by the peacemaker? What do you think James means by this phrase?

Which of the 7 pillars that show Godly wisdom would you like to see more of in your life?

Which specific relationships in your life would greatly benefit from you operating out of a greater Godly wisdom?

What one step can you take this week to better live in light of this truth?